We thought to ourselves:
why not make a team?

Founded in October 2024, Infinite Studios began with a ragtag team of gamers who happened to be exceptional Roblox developers. We share one fundamental belief that drives everything we create: if it's not fun, it's not worth making.

We obsess over what makes gameplay genuinely enjoyable, refusing to ship anything that doesn't bring genuine excitement. Like our inspirations Valve and early Bungie, we question every mechanic, iterate relentlessly, and prioritize player experience above all else.

Our team comes from wildly different backgrounds—retail workers, students, freelancers, and nine-to-fivers—building this studio in the margins of busy lives. Some of us work odd jobs just to keep the lights on while pouring our hearts into making these games a reality. It's not the easy path, but it's the one that feels right.

None of this would be possible without the family, friends, and loved ones who keep us going. The ones who patiently listen to us debate the perfect virtual burger cooking methods at 2 AM, who understand why we can't make real dinner because "the cooking mechanic is broken," and who remind us why making these games matters in the first place.

At the end of the day, this team assembled on a simple promise: We'll build something incredible or die trying. No half measures.

Our Journey

We obsess over what makes gameplay genuinely enjoyable, refusing to ship anything that doesn't bring real excitement.


Our team's relentless pursuit of gameplay that just feels right

Our Journey

The Evolution of Infinite

From random Roblox experiments to a full-fledged studio, here's how we went from "hey, that could be cool" to actually making it happen.

August 2024

Just Some Friends Messing Around

Before we even had a name, we were just a bunch of friends building random Roblox stuff. No real plan, just experimenting with whatever seemed fun and seeing what clicked.

October 2024

Wait, We're a Real Studio Now?

Somehow decided turning our friendship into a proper studio was a good idea. Crazy, right? Set down some core beliefs – mainly that games should actually be fun (revolutionary concept) and that iteration is everything.

November 2024

Finding Our Direction

Lots of late nights debating what games we actually wanted to make. Threw a bunch of prototypes at the wall to see what stuck. Some were terrible, but that's how you learn.

December 2024

Growing Pains & Getting Serious

Welcomed some new faces who shared our vision. Finally admitted we needed actual organization (ugh). JIRA boards, standups, meetings – all that professional studio stuff. That awkward moment when we looked at each other and realized, "Wait, this just became a job..." But it meant we could build bigger things together.

February 2025

The Caffeine-Fueled Feature Sprint

Honestly just a blur of coding sessions. Churned out features like crazy and went back to the drawing board whenever something didn't feel right. Sleep was optional.

March 2025

Making Something We're Proud Of

Polishing our creations until they shine. Every day we get closer to building experiences that capture that magical feeling we're after – games we'd actually want to play ourselves.

The story continues...

Wanna see what we're up to now? Follow us,

Design Philosophy

Inspired by the Greats

We model ourselves after studios like Valve and original Bungie, who put gameplay and player experience above all else

Player-First Design

We approach every design decision from the player's perspective, focusing on how gameplay feels rather than how it looks on paper.

Iterate Relentlessly

Taking inspiration from Valve, we believe in constant iteration, testing, and refinement until the experience feels just right.

Fun Above All

If it's not fun, it doesn't ship. We're committed to creating experiences that bring genuine joy and excitement to players.

Collaboration & Trust

Like the early Bungie team, we value open communication, trust in each team member's expertise, and collaborative problem-solving.


Games are very rapidly becoming the tools that we're all going to use to learn about ourselves, and communicate with each other.


— Jason Jones, Bungie